Sunday, March 30, 2003

Been having terrible problems with the Blog Cabin... something to do with Blogger not liking Lycos and/or vice-versa. The template seems to have got scrambled too... but I'm in the process of fixing her up! :)
Away from the cabin and the Ready Room for a few days... but I've been scanning in some old theatre pics (see below), and hope to get around to redesigning the Vanya Pics page soon to incorporate them. About time there was some update in content on the static ol' Ready Room.

For more interesting developments, keep an eye on the SUDS Website. Much more happening there. Some of my old theatre pics are up there at the mo, too. :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

I've discovered - having had the info forwarded to me me by my doppelganger, Crosbie Fitch - that the Blog Cabin is listed amongst a load of other Brighton Blogs in this corner of the Brighton and Hove Festival 2003 website. My previous link was out of date (see post of 8/3 below).

Thanks to Jane for listing me and letting me know, and double thanks to Crosbie!

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Progress is now well underway on 'Sudsweb'... the server appears to be down tonight though (bugger) so I can't get any further.

Thank heavens for Blogger and its easing of the web-publishing process. The site has a chance of continuing beyond the reign of the techies because of the idiot-proof posting system. Long Live Blogger!

Check out the progress, if you're interested, at

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Brighton & Hove Festival of arts is coming up soon, and it seems they're compiling a list of local Bloggers. I've been looking for nearby Bloggers since I started this page - see the Blogroll list to the left for some I've found. If you're one, you can add your name to a list they're compiling at Brighton & Hove Virtual Festival 2003. Actually, the page header was 2002 - it may be that the whole idea is a year out of date, or maybe they just haven't updated the header...

Friday, March 07, 2003

Saturday, March 01, 2003

Another Brighton Blogger, Jonathan Pascoe, has caught up trying to chase the stars... Jonathan is at Sussex Uni, and a Drama Soc luvvie like me, and may well be working on the much-talked-about but not-yet-forthcoming SUDS website.